Some of my good friends and family members have married young and that isn't what I seek to condemn here. But I'm also very ambitious and career-oriented so I know that marriage isn't something that I will have time for, at least for a couple years. I think that when you meet the right one even the biggest skeptics, such as myself, relent to a bit of mushy-gushiness. I have become a self-professed romantic ever since I met my girlfriend. Yet, the common thread here was the youth-and singleness-of the writers (I'm assuming that if you're dating someone seriously then you can just tell them to their face what you need them to be/expect). The secular man might include admissions of lax personal hygiene and requests for steamy nights-in and affirmation from time to time. The religious woman might include that she is looking for a "prayerful" or "God-fearing" spiritual leader to help guide her household or encourage her in times of insecurity. Know this Makk, you are going to continue to make such an impact on the lives of others just as you have for me. However, your graduation is not the end of our story. Although it breaks my heart that you are leaving me and graduating an entire year early, I am so beyond proud of you.

I am so amazed by you and all that you have accomplished over the last 3 years. You have made my life so much more fun just by being in it. You have taught me the meaning of true friendship. I want to thank you for all that you are and all that you have done for me. Your friendship has pushed me to strive to become the best version of myself possible, to reach for the stars in everything I do, and to never settle for less than I deserve. You have taught and inspired me so much just by the way you live your life. You have become one of my greatest blessings. Whether it was accompanying me in hours of dreaded studying with Starbucks in hand, our many fun nights spent on the strip, the unforgettable road trips, pep talks while I cried over the most pointless things, getting re-baptized, concerts, game days- you did it all with me. Over the past three years, you have always been by my side and I could not picture my world without you in it.

Okay, so maybe some of these were better than others, but it just goes to show how creative you can be when it comes to getting your drink on.

The Coin Return Slot of a Vending MachineĮdge of a Table (Be careful not to break it) What are we to do? Here are some simple and easy tools to substitute in when an opener is unavailable. We're given a nice, ice cold beer (being 21 of course) but alas, we have no bottle opener in sight.